Sunday, December 16, 2007

Woodstock and the Cherry Hill Mall

I was something like 12 years old - and looked up to my big brother a bit. I liked allot of the music he would listen to - we listened to a tape recorded album most every night before bed - and after the 45 minute side lulled me to an early sleep state the tape would end and you would hear a LOUD "CLICK" as the auto-stop would kill the player and wake you up a bit.

Anyway, we went to a midnight showing of "Woodstock" at the Cherry Hill Mall. I was fascinated, and eventually a friend hooked me up with a copy of the original Woodstock on tape - and I LISTENED ad nauseum for a very long time. I was a bit of a flower child for awhile.

Anywho, I came into a copy of the Woodstock double cd today for $6 at the used book store (also sells DVDs and Games). Very cool.

Actually, this was a Midnight Movie kind of day - I also was indoctrinated in the Rocky Horror Picture Show at the same venue - and I also got my daughter the soundtrack to that on the same purchase.

It's amazing how much of our memory has music involved in it somewhere.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There was a show on The History Channel this past week called 1968, hosted by Tom Brokaw.

Every single song, and there were a lot of them, brought back memories.