Wednesday, December 12, 2007

A Decade!?

A comment Wil made to me at his blog got me thinking. He mentioned something about my knowing about the rough times he had in the past decade. Wow- a decade- Ten years ago this past August I bought my Webtv unit. It was mostly to stay in touch with my folks, who had just moved to Florida. I got addicted to surfing, and somehow after a month or so, I ended up at ADWH. And my life has never been the same. ;-)

Maybe it's the time of year, the holidays and all, but I have a special place in my heart for all the folks from ADWH, to alt.yatta.yatta.yatta, to Tim's forum, to Wil's blog, to here. It's amazing if you think about it, that in some way, shape, or form, we've been in touch with each other for 10 years! Some for the long haul, some for limited periods of time, some pop in and out every so often. You are all very special. And I do have to give a special thanks to the creator of Webtv, cuz with out it, I would not have met the love of my life.

Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy New Year to all my friends.
(and a special one to my hubby!)



Paradise Driver said...

When I wrote that, I, too, was amazed at how much time has passed.

It really doesn't seem that long ago.

Season's Cheers to everyone.

Anonymous said...

We go back aways, huh?

Good times, good laughs, and geeking to all!

Gnubee said...

"You are all very special. And I do have to give a special thanks to the creator of Webtv, cuz with out it, I would not have met the love of my life."


I came on in 7/98. ADWH changed my life as well.

Hey, sorry I haven't been around. I had some weird problem that wouldn't let me post until today - benn stopping by.

Merry Christmas to all!
