Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy Birthday -Gnubee

I hope your birthday was great

Friday, December 26, 2008


I hope everything is going well for you.

Saturday, December 20, 2008


Happy Birthday, Dennis.

I hope this finds you well and that all your dreams come true.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Quiet in here...

Just wanted to pop in and wish everyone a happy Holiday season.  May you days be full of peace and love and your New Year healthy and prosperous.

And an early Happy Birthday to MrsK and Kent!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Autumn Snow- part 2- trying for pics

These are not mine- I scoffed them from the website.  I did not have my camera with me, but these were taking the first week of Oct.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Autumn Snow

Mt Washington got 3" + of snow Friday.  It looks beautiful- alive with fall color at the bottom 3rd, frosted trees mid 3rd, and white snow at the top.  Love this time of year in the North Country.  I'll try to post a pic.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Wednesday, June 25, 2008



3 years on the 18th past.

Its not that I don't remember, its just that I don't do it in a timely manner.

What did you do tocelebrate?

Thursday, June 12, 2008


I mentioned on my blog about the sudden surge in activity after I posted, on May 31st, a comic entry about child care instructions. I thought you might like to see how huge that jump was. On the first day of activity I was getting as many hits per hour as I normally get per day.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Finally, here's the pics.  Note mine is a "hotrats"!
By the way, we lost my Mom yesterday.  She thought it was such a hoot that I got a tatoo at 55!  LOL

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Pictures of me - taken 2008-05-23

Thought you might enjoy these:

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Stella is the most beautiful chocolate lab in the world.  She is 4.5 yrs old, and we've had her since she was 5 months old.  She is too smart.  Although I don't have the time to really work with her, she has "sat" on command since day one, comes when called, jumps to my side when I cry, to lick my tears, comes running when someone sneezes to make sure they are ok, knows word meanings for "car", "ride", "cookie", "bone", "woobie" (that's one of her toys), "David", "breakfast", "supper", "hungry".... notice the food theme?  Stella is also a little jealous of  Keebler, our 9 year old Lab.  Pet Kebbler, and Stella is right there, nosing in front of Keebs.  Call Keebler, and Stella is there first.  Keebler is strong- both physically and stubbornly.  I can not take both dogs out on the leashes together as together they are like a team of oxen.  So the usual is for me take Stella out to do her 'business', then Keebler.  Today, Keebler was at the door first, so I hooked up the lead and out we went.  She knows "bone", too, and when I said let's go get one, she ran for the house.  There, I hooked Stella up, took her out for her 'business', and came back in.  Both dogs went to the cupboard where the rawhide bones are kept.  Stella's ritual is to sniff them both several times, then make her choice.  Keebs always gets the 'leftover'.  Today, Stella didn't take one, so Keebler nosed in and got first choice.    I was thinking "what's up with Stella", as she is so food motivated, nothing could keep her from a bone.   Then I spotted it under the dining room table.  The plastic container hamburg comes in.  The one that was on the back of the counter, way back, thawing for tonights' spaghetti sauce.  "Hmmmmm....".  And there was no hamburger.  Anywhere.  One pound, gone- and Stella sat there looking so innocent.     I have ignored her for the last half hour.  I couldn't yell at her or punish her- she'd have no idea why.  But I was angry.  Stella hates being ignored.  She is devastated if her love isn't given freely, and returned.  So after following my every move, rubbing against my leg, and sighing, to no avail, she sat in front of me, her head down but her eyes up to me and I swear I saw tears.  Damn that dog.  I had to hug her!  Now she's smiling, walking around the house with her woobie, and feeling fine.  I, on the other hand, have to figure out something else for dinner.

Friday, April 25, 2008



Monday, April 7, 2008

A belated Happy B'Day to Tim

Actually, I didn't forget you, I actually got busy enough to let the calendar slip past.

Whats the latest on the kid's & grandkids?

Hope everything is going well for you and the family.

Thursday, April 3, 2008


I posted a b'day greeting to you over at my blog. I wish you the very best.

Luv ya!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

An early birthday present

So David asked me what I wanted this year.  Now, those that know me know I'm a pretty conservative woman. Professional when I should be, but can have fun, too.  Well I'm hitting the "double nickel" and decided this year, I wanted to do something a little 'over the edge'.  So this is where we went-   a neat place!.  When the redness goes a way I'll post some pics.  LOL

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Finally! Spring! (well, sort of....)

This is our well cap.  It stands between 2 1/2 and 3 feet high.  Today it finally poked through the snow cover!  YES!!!!  Spring has finally reached the north country!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

First Day of Spring...

...and we're under a winter storm warning.   Summer isn't scheduled til August 12th!

Monday, March 10, 2008


Yea I was out of work for 6 weeks and am back to work for a few. Hope you get work soon Wil. I changed it to the green cause Spring is green. White is fine.

Saturday, March 8, 2008


At 2:00 AM (local time) Daylight Savings Time begins. The clock "springs forward" to 3:00 AM.

Obviously someone didn't like the black background, but I couldn't read text against whatever color they changed it to. So I have made it B&W. At least it can now be viewed.

Still looking for work. [sigh]

Have a great day everybody!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Come On Spring!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is good- end of winter!!!!!!!!
Come On Spring!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Kid calls Policeman-- Dude.

second row on left to cast your vote.

I voted NO, I agree with the Police officer.

Its not just the word "dude" but the whole manner that it is said.
It is a one word sentence like "Dude." saying the other person is wrong.

I had some snot nosed kid say that to me before as well.
When I was a kid you would not even think to call an adult by their first name. It was Mr. Smith, Mrs. Smith etc...

Now these kids will talk to you on the same level with that "Dude." stuff.

I also am shocked as to political candidates. I would say we need to clean up the tv.
It is the result of cable and web then they have nerve to say if you dont like whats on reg tv dont watch sort of thing.

I came home from school and watched the Electric Company and Hodge Podge Lodge before dinner.
Today a kid can comehome and watch Ellen (Lesbian) HJerry Springer. Mauri (like Springer) etc.....

The adult shows at night have to much adult stuff which is in relaty. BIG KIDS WHO NEVER grew up generation.
Thats my generation.

Kids today have gay, lesbian, divorced parents (no blame on anyone just a sad thing, crap on tv..

A story from a guy at work is when he was hit by a Nun and told his Dad, And his Dad says oh but you back sassed the Nun. Th Dad layed into him the second time! Thats the old days. But the same guy said about a Nun who ripped out a girls hair and the Dad went to the Church or Mom and decked the Nun!

I know when I was a kid there was other sayings beside "Dude" which was bad. A late 60s thing was Drop dead. or Go to Hell. I remember Mrs. Riley who was a neighbor and the nicest lady in the world. She came home from Church on Sunday all dressed up and I was yelling at someone Drop dead and burn in hell. (10 years old) The look of shock on her face. and things were happening strange then the next weeks. I think she was praying for me.

Anyhow. I wernt with the Police officer!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

David Cassidy

David Cassidy (Partdridge Family) is on Oprah today.
Those women are going to rip the place up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 1, 2008


or there are children around, turn the volume down before pressing the PLAY button. Seriously!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Thought you might like these

Japan has a satellite orbiting the Moon. It sent these back a few months ago.

Also, the perfect song on the video.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

My Year

I been layed off now for four weeks and just payed 873 dollars to get my car engine fixed, and one cylinder still aint working.

Well that was the downside. Iam eeking it out til things improve and am otherwise O.K.

Friday, January 25, 2008

In view of drug bust at my town's music store


Just seen in the Progress how Maple Shade Music Store was busted and closed.
Its a shame for Sid, my old guitar teacher. (He has nothing to do with that anyhow).
He should be a school music teacher pulling a nice salary but is just a small time teacher or something. He is really good on piano and was at guitar.

Anyhow, what gets me is they said Jack who had the cocaine could get ten years in jail.
I do not believe in the country's laws and changed perspective through the media. O.K. I don't think people should do drugs and it is against the law, but say make the sentence one year. OR less!

I think these substances are no different then someone buying beer and drinking it. OK heavier stuff yes, but its the same concept, goal, etc... No different. Pot was probably put on earth for just what people discovered that it does. No, I don't smoke it. Drug free since 1983. I would say 20 percent of the Vo Tech school was always high.
And at least 40% did smoke it but not in school all the time.

I don't think people should use drugs, but say if I were the only person on Earth. I'd have a few plants in case maybe I was depressed. The media has made marijuana smoking more wrong and things like homosexuality acceptable when before that was very shunned. I think some men who are femine and women that are masculine have a few wires crossed and perhaps the drives are not all their fault, but they should stay in celibant state and not twist all society towards the error.

Anyhow, I just can't see someone who in their beliefs says the drugs are ok would get a long jail sentence. MANY will jump all over me and say They should. Did you ever smoke a bowl of hash? Did you ever smoke a joint of some really good stuff?
OK, not good to be hooked on and not good for people driving, working machinery, or family relations etc... It is like drinking too much alchohol takes over your life!!!! But 10 years or whatever for probably a small amount of drugs is to me a greater crime then doing it! And then seizing his property etc... Anyhow people will disagree with me.


Sunday, January 20, 2008

Orange you glad.

Well lets get that 800 buck President Bush check in the mail to Stimulate my economy. Being in printing field I know we are in a recession!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Welcome aboard, Mav~

You now have full admin authority, just like everyone else.

Now if we could get lilolmehere to join and Patty and the Weasels. And if Moe and Gary could be found we'd have everyone back.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


I know, I know. What I term as cold would be a balmy day for the rest of you. But it has been getting into the very low 60°'s and upper 50°'s here. Remember, that we do not have heaters in our houses. Nor is there any insulation in the walls or ceiling.

I don't own a jacket, sweater or even a long-sleeved shirt. And after almost 14 years on Mau'i (anniversary on the 24th), my blood has really thinned out. The first night I arrived in upcountry Pukalani the temp at 1,000' was 45° and everybody was in any warm clothes they could find and I was in a tank top and shorts, sweating like a stuffed pig. I had just come from California/Nevada (the northern end of both) The day I left Nevada the high temp was -15° and the day I left California, one week later, the temp in the Central Valley was a blazing 35°. It had actually snowed there just before Christmas but didn't last long.

Now, almost 1½ decades later, I guess I am a wimp.

Have a great day, everybody.!

Spam World

Could be a movie.

Anyhow I did really send alot to the Spam Killer software after using the filter "Nigeria."

I figure Iam pulling, well actually haven't added it up, but millions in bank transfers and lottery winning each week.

Most of these "people" do dot even know me. Iam Dear Sir/ Madam.

Sometimes they even apoligize to me, for me not replying to their emails, like its some sad mishap and they can still get the millions of dollars to me.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Here Comes the Sun

It looks like a real nice day out.
Gonna get another coffee and get outside.


Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Hope everyone has had a good start to their New Year. We've been hectic here, between work, and my Mom, who is living with us, being hospitalized, we've been running like a pack of wolves. David sends a thanks for the birthday wishes. He's been working overtime as they are putting in a new radiology imaging/reading system, and he's the IT guy in charge of it. Training is this week, so I don't see my geek til late. We've had over 2 feet of snow since just before Christmas, but this week it's going fast. The high today was 54!! Unheard of in this part of the country for January. I want to send a happy belated birthday to both Kent (12/31) and his lovely bride, Mrs. K. (12/25). Miss you guys!!! And to Wil- sounds like business is picking up a bit- Glad for ya'!


Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Best Wishes To All

A belated Happy Birthday to Kenny (12/26), Kent (12/31) and David (1/1).

I hope everyone survived the holi-daze.

Did anyone get anything special for the season? I'd love to hear about it.

Best wishes for a healthy, happy and properous New Year to each and every one of you.

Happy New Year

Wishing everyone a healthy, happy new year in 2008

Happy Birthday, David!